Abel Aviles

A New Project


A New Project

I've created this site while recovering from an appendectomy during the lockdown of 2020. The reason for creating a personal website is not only to keep an updated resume, but to create a project of my own and a platform where to express my ideas and feelings about any topic that inspires me.

Writing is a great way to get to know yourself and I'll be happy if I find the time to post from time to time. Sometimes I'll write in English and sometimes in Spanish, depending how I feel about the topic in question.

These are strange times. Due to the pandemic, I've been at home the past several weeks, going out only to buy groceries or for short walks. Work takes most of my time, and it's been very productive working from home, but I was also surprised for other positive outcomes of this time on a personal level: more motivation for reading, learning and cooking, discovering the benefits of doing sports at home and reconnecting more with family and friends. I definitively appreciate some aspects of the slow-down of society, also for nature. Still, times are bad and I hope this will end soon and we come up as a better society, with more appreciation for science, nature and global cooperation.

It's always exciting starting new projects and this is particularly special to me because I've built it from scratch. If you read until here, welcome!

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Abel Aviles